Application Programming Interface

Create your own mixing website without hassle by using our seamless mixer API

Crypto Mixer Affiliate Program

Create an Order

Request URL POST
Parameter Info
api_key (string)Your private API key which could be found in your Affiliate Dashboard.
currency (string)The currency you want to mix, either BTC, ETH, or USDT.
address (array)The final adress for clean coins. The array can contain up to 5 wallet addresses.
delay (int)The desired mixing delay in minutes (Should be at least 10mins).

The order creation will return a JSON confirming the order, including a Unique Order ID:

			"delay": 10,
				"0": "*WALLET ADDRESS 1*",
				"1": "*WALLET ADDRESS 2*",
				"2": "*WALLET ADDRESS 3*",
				"3": "*WALLET ADDRESS 4*",
				"4": "*WALLET ADDRESS 5*"

Get Order Infos

Request URL POST
Parameter Info
api_key (string)Your private API key which could be found in your Affiliate Dashboard.
*UNIQUE_ORDER_ID* (string)The Unique Order ID given for that specific order.

The returned JSON:

			"delay": 10,
				"0": "*WALLET ADDRESS 1*",
				"1": "*WALLET ADDRESS 2*",
				"2": "*WALLET ADDRESS 3*",
				"3": "*WALLET ADDRESS 4*",
				"4": "*WALLET ADDRESS 5*"

Enjoy Commission

For every mixing order, you will be rewarded 0.5% of the total amount of coins. Commissions will be send directly to your wallet.